12-22-2003, 12:48 AM
Interesting........I just started a dedicated Spearhead server on my 3 year old laptop. PIII 700mhz cpu, 256MB RAM, 8MB video, Windows XP Pro on 20GB hard drive partitioned 10/10, cable modem using 'wireless' network connection. I can host 8 players without any complaints of lag. Use autokick to kick players with ping higher than 500. It has worked out great now for a few weeks. Goes to show a fast pc isn't needed (faster pc's only load maps faster), high end video card isn't needed (console uses no graphics whatsoever), and 256MB RAM seems to be getting the job done. Server initializes in about 15 seconds, and maps change in about 5 seconds on average. Same setup running on my desktop (Athlon XP 2100+, 1GB DDR 333 RAM, 64MB ATI All-in-Wonder 9000 video card, Windows XP Pro on 40GB hard drive) initializes server in 5 seconds and loads maps in less than a second on average. In reality, the only downfall I see in running dedicated server on slower system is takes longer for maps to load. There is a considerable delay. For my circumstances, it works perfectly. I was actually hoping to run it on a dedicated PC 24/7 as my laptop goes with me to work every day and only run the server in the evenings thru the week and 24/2 on the weekends. Guess I'll have to experiment with minimal configurations unless someone out there "REALLY" knows the minimum requirements to run a dedicated server. When I say dedicated, I mean dedicated. The hard drive I use to run the server on my laptop is used for that purpose only. I use a completely different hard drive when I take it to work with me. I want to use a pc for running a moh server and nothing else. Once I get it up and running, I'm not even going to leave a monitor attached. Not needed with WinXP Remote Desktop. Someone please give me your thoughts. If you're curious, look for yourself. Server name is <=-*R.C* Airborn-=> Spearhead Realism Server, ip . Server generally up and running every nite after about 6:00pm. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Leave running all weekend long unless I work on Saturday mornings, which is rare.
Feedback appreciated, good or bad.