02-02-2002, 02:48 AM
Stony is very close to 100% correct except for a few points...the "Palestinians" weren't forced off the land or out of thier homes by anyone. When the Israelis declared statehood in 1948, they told the "Palestinian" residents to stay in thier homes during the fighting and out of the way, and once the war was over, they could go on living peacefully together as they had been...as neighbors...the neighboring Arab nations how-ever, told them to leave and get out of the way, and once they drove the Jews into the sea, that they could come back and have everything. Well, history shows who won, so those who left hoping to destroy the Jews and come back and take what was theirs became displaced..."refugees"...thier own fault...out of pure greed and hatred...not the Israeli's fault at all...as well, historically, there is no, NOR WAS THERE EVER, a "Palestinian" people or country. There is no Palestinian language either....they were nomadic and squatted on the land during the centuries of Jewish exile...it was never their land to begin with...the League of Nations even stood behind and validated that histroy and charged the British with re-establishing the Jewish state, but when the time came, the brits pulled out leaving a vacuum, etc, etc etc. One thing the Brits did do, however, was take 2/3 of the land that the League of Nations specified was rightfully the Jewish homeland and created the country now known as Jordan...then called Trans-Jordan...as their way of thanking the Arabs...keeping Arab relationships intact, and screwed the Jews in the process.....