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Default 12-24-2003, 05:16 PM

yea i tried sending it to but it wouldnt.

Heres the scr

// MOHAA map script for The Falls
// author: |fsc| Col. Polyp
// version 2.0
// (C) Col. Polyp 2003


// set scoreboard messages
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "The Falls"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "v2.0"
setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" ""
setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "By Col. Polyp"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "& Woodell Bobba"
setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" ""
setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "none"

level waittill prespawn

exec global/DMprecache.scr
level.script = maps/dm/thefalls.scr
exec global/ambient.scr mohdm1

thread elevator_preparation

level waittill spawn
//level waittill roundstart

while (1) { //loop this forever
wait 20
iprintlnbold "The Falls - created by |fsc| Col. Polyp & |fsc| Woodell Bobba"
iprintln_noloc "version 2.0 copyright (C) MMIII FSClan - the Netherlands"
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "For FS-Clan info visit"
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "Macintosh users visit http:\/ \/\/macmohaa"
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "Feedback on this map?"
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "Press the use key to open more than just doors..."
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "You can get on the roofs of ALL buildings without using the Seilbahn..."
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "There are medipacks in a secret tunnel..."
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "Use the rock ledges on cliff faces to descend fast..."
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "You can walk the skies if you dare..."
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "There is another tunnel with health packs somewhere..."
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "Use strafe (not jump) while walking across difficult terrain..."
wait 60
iprintln_noloc "You can climb more than just ladders..."
wait 400
} // end of the loop



println "Preparing elevator"

$elevator moveto $waypoint_down // Put the elevator in the down position.
local.elepos = 0
goto elevator_standby




if (local.elepos == 0) // if the lift is down
println "Elevator is standby in bottom waypoint"
$elevator_button_bottom waittill trigger // wait for the bottom trigger
$elevator_button_bottom playsound door_metal_locked_clue
} else {
println "Elevator is standby in top waypoint"
$elevator_button_top waittill trigger // wait for the top trigger
$elevator_button_top playsound door_metal_locked_clue

if (local.elepos == 0) // if the lift is down
goto lift_move_up // move up
} else {
goto lift_move_down // else move down



println "Elevator is moving up"
iprintlnbold "The FSC SeilBahn is now going up..."
wait 2

$elevator playsound elevator_start
$elevator time 1 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_1 //move the lift to the first waypoint
$elevator playsound elevator_run
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished
$elevator time 8 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_2 //move the lift to the second waypoint
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished
$elevator time 22 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_3 //move the lift to the third waypoint
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished
$elevator time 4 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_up //move the lift to the last waypoint
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished

$elevator playsound elevator_stop
$elevator playsound elevator_gate

wait 2
iprintlnbold "The FSC SeilBahn has arrived on the top level..."

local.elepos = 1 // the elevator is up now, so we set the local.elepos to 1
goto elevator_standby



println "Elevator is moving down"
iprintlnbold "The FSC SeilBahn is now going down..."
wait 2

$elevator playsound elevator_start
$elevator time 2 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_3 //move the lift to the first waypoint
$elevator playsound elevator_run
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished
$elevator time 20 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_2 //move the lift to the second waypoint
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished
$elevator time 8 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_1 //move the lift to the third waypoint
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished
$elevator time 3 // amount of seconds to move between waypoints
$elevator moveto $waypoint_down //move the lift to the last waypoint
$elevator waitmove // wait till the move is finished

$elevator playsound elevator_stop
$elevator playsound elevator_gate

wait 2
iprintlnbold "The FSC SeilBahn has arrived on the bottom level..."

local.elepos = 0 // the elevator is down now, so we set the local.elepos to 0
goto elevator_standby

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