12-24-2003, 09:56 PM
good for you, you've got all your knowledge and skill etc. etc.
you still didn't make that in 5 mins.
the little square thing with the light in the bottom left didnt even take 5 mins. I can tell just by looking at everything in your sig that, even if you're very experienced, you can't make that in 5 mins. Just the actual work alone takes time, even if you know what you're doing, as well as time put into thought and ideas and finishing touches. And somehow i dont think you were RACING to finish your sig in 5 mins. It's good, but it probably took you an hour. If not more..But you'll probably call me a newb and say I dont know what I'm talking about and it did take you 5 mins so I don't want to bother arguing about it.