12-25-2003, 04:18 AM
first off graphitti Arch wasn't bragging he was just having some fun...your taking shit to a whole different level...its what we do here we have fun by making sigs...its nice that some people think of things that are creative instead of just throwing their sigs on the forums.thats why we have design wars and shit like that so we can test our skills and in the longrun get better.and second off you think that 3d sigs suck because they require no skill but thats your opinion everyone has their own style and you should respect that.i think these forums would be boring if everyone had the same kind of sigs...and one more thing for the long run you think that 3d sigs take no skill...i never seen your work but i know some pretty good 3d sig makers out there who just dont throw some weird 3d crap and some text on a sig and call it a masterpiece,they actually put time into it and make it look really nice.