Thread: New sig.
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Default 12-25-2003, 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Punky
why the hell does he have to prove anything.. by the number of posts and the time he has spent here.. a little respect is in order for Arch...
looks to me that you are just jealous cause he can do something in 5 minutes that would take you over an hour.. and comin from a girl under 5 minutes is bad... but over an hour is worse *wink wink* if you know what I mean...
I like it Arch.. not even worth takin the time to think of a response for someone who obiviously just wants to start sh*t...
Happy Holidays!
Punky, i love you. happy:

And btw, grafiti, if you think 3d shit is easy, then you have never made something in 3dsmax or used 3dsmax. Just from you saying it's easy to throw shit together and put name on it, makes you kinda of a n00b. I rest my case.