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Default 12-25-2003, 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:fd5f3]Just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean there aren't lies and cover-ups. That's what cover-ups are meant to do...
precisely, only a damn fool thinks their government dont lie.[/quote:fd5f3]

Michael Moore is biased, granted, but his views are justified. He doesn't pull facts out of his ass, he researches them. Also, I never said that any Governments around the world wern't Liars. I mean, hell, John Howard's big selling point was that he wouldn't impose a Goods and Services Tax. and what did he do when he was elected? exactly.

But, what i am saying is, there's a difference between lying about a tax, and rigging a democratic election.

As i've said in the past, I have nothing against the American People. It's the Government I disagree with.
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