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Default 12-30-2003, 02:54 PM

[quote:ef315] Yeah no fucking kidding. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out. But, it's hard to say that music from the 50s and music from the 70s sound similar. I guess I've just always thought that oldies were subdivided into two parts, Golden Oldies, which is primarily music from the early 50s, and Classic Rock, which is primarily music from the 70s and 60s.[/quote:ef315]

If it's so god damn easy to figure out then why the hell were you givin me lip originally you piece of shit? And since when did I say music from the 50s and 70s "sound similar" I'd put down that bowl and think for once you reject.

[quote:ef315]Oh and to answer your original question, I religiously listen to Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd. oOo:[/quote:ef315]

When did I ask you that, pot head?

If you knew anything about music then you'd know ANY TYPE OF "HIT" back in the 50/60/70 ere was considered a classic oldie, especially now. Check out this site:

It should explain everything for you there, Pasquale you fuckin woman.
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