12-30-2003, 08:11 PM
[quote:8dc86]You are so fucking stupid, iran cant give us aid because they are POOR. the u.s is the richest country in the world, if they stopped military spending for one year they could end world hunger, they are the last people in need of aid. [/quote:8dc86]
Just because, you dont get the point dont call it stupid, when in fact you are the stupid one. Iran dont even give us a pitty statement when natural shit happens to us. Must countries are poor compared to us MORON. The point is why the fuck should we give that shit hole of a country shit? What have they ever done for us Nothing. you understand that you needless flamer. fucking kids need every fucking thing spelled out for them.
I know we dont need aid but some times its nice to be offered help. I offer help to my friends, who I know dont need it but its the RIGHT thing to do. when they are down and out or some shit. Give them the chance to say were ok dont need it. You under stand yet pal?