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ShagNasty is Offline
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Posts: 573
Join Date: Aug 2003
Default 12-30-2003, 11:23 PM

[quote:042d2]you're a moron, there's reason there aren't people like you in our foreign relations department where it really matters[/quote:042d2]

no the fact is if I was in power I would rule the fucking world. I am not some pc dumbshit that lets my country get fucked over and over. nuke them all leave no one left. destroy the middle east. what fucking good are they? there is a reason your bleeding hart shit is not in power people like you kill this country dick head.

we are the post powerfull, richest, strongest country ever in the history of the world. and we do jack shit. time to step up to the plate and kick some fucking ass. and people who talk shit about us are just jelous. plain and simple.

and if you dont agree with me you are ether a fucking moron, or hate your country. i am sick of you dumbfucks thinking ypou know any thing. go fuck your self old, fucking tree hugging hippy, killing or country. and most of the world agrees with me. just not the dumb fucks here. no country = us lets fucking face it. let them all die from hunger and shit then we step in take there shit. thats what we need to do. tree hugging faggots.

ps if you buy in to it and think im serius at all you realy are dumb fucks. I mind fuck you all and you believe it. i can piss any one here off more than any one. it is so easy. and you all buy into it. lmao i love pissing people off. i do it well you idiots think thats how i am. dumb fucks its an internet forum. with a bunch of dumb ass flamers who know nothing about the real world . so blow me you fucking little punks. all your 2nd class countys suck ass. and so do you. if you knew me i would be your god, your all tough on the net, in real life you would be getting a ass kicking from me. thats what i do. i hate people. such low life form compared to the great ness of me. not one of you can piss people off like me. this is fucking talent. you love my post you get to flame me, act like you are better and smarter than me.

i love to argue i dont give a fuck if im wrong, i know when i am but ill keep going any fucking way. you all will love to rtespond to this to flame me. its what you fucks live for, i am here to serv you the chance to fell good about your pathetic loser lifes. you all think you know every thing, but you cant get laid. and getting laids wheres its at. fuck i had 2 hot chicks at once. they like men, like me. not nerds like you. i am the guy that kicks your ass in school. i am the guy you fear when you see me. i can and will fuck people up i enjoy it. not one person could hang with me in a real life fight. i am fucking evil. you all are a bunch of bisexual,nerds who watch to much history channel. get a fucking life. any one under 25 is a fucking moron. bring on the flames i love them and always will. it will take you all to beat me here and real life, well real life your all worth about one punch. except arkan hes could take 2 maybe. flame me i love come you little prinks. bring it on.

ps just joking. but does thant not get you going, youll still flame me but you just dont get it. lmao this is fun.
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