01-01-2004, 09:47 PM
my Auntie Emma's house is haunted...well she's my grandma's aunt. Ok so heres the story.
One night, my grandma goes to the bathroom, but hears a noise and thinks its my dad so she left quickly to let him in an left the light on. Ok so she goes to her bed, and then hears this heavy footseps and then she looks out, and sees that the light is off. So he thinks "Stupid man, why did he turn off the light"...then she sees my dad, with a pistol coming out of his room, and she asks him wtf why did he turn off the light. He looks at her crazy and says i heard footsteps...so i thought it was a robber. But the strange part is, when you go into our old house its all bungalow style..so if you go through the door, into the kitchen, and then into the living room, and if you kept going strait, like the footsteps did, then you would hit the wall....So we are all sure it was a ghost.
Also, another night, 2 paintings and our bubblescreen TV fell down, but nothing was broken...