Thread: ever got caught
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*GEL* DeathStrike gm is Offline
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Default 02-03-2002, 12:02 AM

I am 20 years old, going to be 21 in march 20th. My bro's gf practically is living with us, she comes on fridays and stays until tuesday, then she leave and comes back on thursday, then the cycle repeats every 10-14 days. I have an idea of what they r doing i there, with all that laughing and screaming and giggling and such. My gf and i r more like, snuggle in bed, watch eachother's eyes, a kiss here, a kiss there and then i go to the explore her wonderful jungle. I find interesting things in there, if u know what i mean
I usually tell her to not moan so much hehe or at least keep it low

Gods Elite Legion
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