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Dumb Luck or Not?
Hobbes is Offline
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Default Dumb Luck or Not? - 01-02-2004, 04:40 PM

On my way into to work today I get pulled over by the OPP (I'm sure you can think of some of the many euphemism for Ontario Provincial Police) doing 140 KPH in a 100 KPH (90 mph in a 60 for you Yanks).

Officer - License, Registration, Insurance

Me - Sure Officer

Officer - Do you know how fast you were going

Me - 140 Officer

Officer - Didn't see me get on at James Snow Parkway eh.

Me - No Officer didn't see you until you were in the left lane about a klick behind me.

Officer - Why were you driving so fast

Me - Have to get to Tim Hortons by 2:35 PM or I will be late for work

Officer - LOL

Officer - When was your last ticket

Me - 96 or 97 It was June, Sunday around 7:30 pm I got tagged for 70 in a 60 (speed trap at the end of the month)

Officer - LOL

Officer - 140 is to fast slow it down some

Me - Yes Officer

Officer - Okay I'm letting you off with a warning just slow down.

Me - Thanks Officer

The only speeding ticket I ever had was the result of month end speed trap although I've been pulled over about 7-10 time since 1995 for speeding I just never seem to get a ticket while others I know just get hammered the first time they get pulled over.

Oh 140 in a 100 is about $400.00 and 4 points not to mention what in does to your insurance.
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