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Default 01-02-2004, 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
At least you realize the immaturity and stupidity of Teenage girls.

Most of them are like that, they go for what's "in" at the time. And that's basically what is in, also they seem to really dig skaters because well...everyone is a poser and follows trends so they become a skater.

Just stick to who you are, when you're older, girls will mature and they'll be all wanting you and those trend follower guys will be left in the dust.
I gotta agree with Pyro on this one. Girls are very insecure and need to feel like they fit in. If that means dating some black dude, skater, old guy, wigger..etc, then thats what they'll do. But remember, not all girls are alike. Some don't feel comfortable doing something they don't believe in so perhaps you're looking at the wrong ones. Keep yer chin up lad and maybe you'll meet some chick that digs lil' skinny white guys.

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