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Default 01-03-2004, 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by yODa
umm i dont think i was talkin to u FAG
this is where u made your mistake yoda.... anywho heres a ghost story so i dont get flooded with PMs. well way back when Mt.Misery was a stop for travelers trying to get to the shore via wagons. There was a girl who fell in love with this man. she started working at the mt.misery hotel and living there as an indentured servant. she work every day for about 13 hours. she brought all her money to her boyfriend and they saved up for their parents trip and their future wedding. one night they got in a fight (u kno one of those silly little arguments couples have about this and that). well the boyfriend got so mad that he said he would join a whaling ship and work there and be by himself for the rest of his life. on the day of their wedding he ran out and found a boat and was hired as a hand on it. of course she ran out there trying to convince him to comeback and that she was sorry. she came too late. she saw her husbands ship sail out to sea. later on she came back to the hotel sobbing and suicidal. she went up to her room, took out a knife and killed herself with it. when she fell over after she stabbed herself she knocked over a candle and set the hotel ablaze. A few years later her husband died on one of the whailing voyages. Now if you are out at night or day and you see a white figure in a wedding dress run. the spirit of the woman will A: try to stab u with the knife she killed herself with or B: ask you where her boyfriend is and if you even open your mouth she will take you breath away thus suffocating you and killing u. either which just really sux. and thats the tale of the lady in white.
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