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Default 01-05-2004, 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by gtboys34
WEll. i might as well share my s*** stories too.

Well back in the 9th grade( 2 1/2 yrs ago) i was in my computer class on the 3rd floor of the high school around about 9:00 am. I had to take a dump really bad and i knew it was gonna be one of those liquidy s**** this time ( you can just tell, can't ya?) Anways, i asked the teacher could i get a hall pass to go to the b'room, she told me "yes". So i go to the 2nd floor and enter the b'room. It was some dork in there (who appeared to be late to school because he was kinda rushing but not really) when i entered the broom but he left out soon enough. So here i am in the broom (doesn't have any doors at the entrance of the broom but does have doors on the stalls) stall and the s*** is coming and FAST!. I didn't want it to come out too fast because i knew that it was gonna be loud and bubbly sounding so i just kinda took it one fart at a time. So i kept on pooping slower and slower until every inch of it was out of me. All you guys probaly know that with diarhea (sp) type poop that if you don't get it all out at once then your screwed.. and so i was. I wiped, washed, and left the broom only to see a hot girl like 25 ft away in a desk outside of her classroom looking right at me disgusted, almost. Remember, this was in the 9th grade. I'd muc rather had went through this this... tramatizing experience much ealier in my life..
should have smiled and winked at the girl as you were walking out.
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