Thread: skin modding
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tyrant is Offline
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Default 01-05-2004, 07:33 PM

Hey it is preatty easy first you need a painting program like photoshop or somtin that can open TGA files Also u need a pk3 opener and your all set.

here's how ya do it you get the pk3 opener (pakscape) and open pak2 and and look around in there for skins it should be under usmaps and then u pick the skin u want to do and paint it like u want it then u go to pak0 and get the scripts and tik files and the scripts should be under (SCRIPTS) and then u go to models players usmaps and get the airbour or ranger tikor watever skin u are doin and then u reaname the tik files and the fpstik files
to wat u want and then you open pakscape and go to file new and make a folder called textures then make another call models then another called human then another called usmaps or geramanmaps matters wat skin u are doin and then you make another folder called airborn or ranger or watever and the you save it as a pk3 file by puttin on (watever).pk3 then u save it and put it in the game and if it dosant work get some tutorials and there you go! hellfire:
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