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DarkSyde is Offline
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Default 02-04-2002, 10:04 AM

Anyone with enough 'net knowledge' to find the Fairlight release should have enough sense to know where to look for fixed updates. If not then they shouldn't be messing with it in the first place. I assure you it works just fine with the 1.1 update... just have to use the regfix first.

Some people have good reasons for not buying a peice of software, while some just leach away. When the economy sucks so bad that you can't get a job scrubbing toilets for minimum wage, do you really think they can afford to shell out $50 for a freakin game? Hell no they can't. They'll buy it when they can afford it. The others would never have any intention of buying it anyway whether they could get it for free or not, so please explain how these companies are losing so many billions of dollars because of piracy. Oh wait, it's because they're wasting money trying to stop it....

*I don't condone piracy. If you use it (more than a few times that is), BUY IT if possible. You can't rent PC software and demos don't let you see enough of the title. That's my 2 bits worth (which is more than I'm worth right now... lol)*
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