Originally Posted by RifleManMcCoy
Yes, I finally saw the movie, but why did the main character decide to create chaos, and release the black soldier who was infected, and chained up? Was it so the girls could escape...was it revenge...and why did it say "28 Days Later..." again? Why did they just show the plane flying over head, with the black girl saying did they see it this time, well someone said it...why didn't they keep going, and show what happened, and when the plane was flying over, you see the two infected people under the bridge...they appear to die? But what really happens?
He released the infected black soldier so he could rescue the girls and get out.
It said 28 days later, because it was 28 days later (like someone said already.)
The plane flew over before, and thats why the girl said "Did they see it this time?"
The people under the bridge die, they starved to death.