Well here we are again this time with the finishing touches. Im pleased to announce that the Modern Warfare team will be releasing the first Alpha Version of Modern Warfare within a month or a few months time. We have begun to work again after a 5 month break. New site (its a template) is online along with new forums and a new image gallery(images added daily).
Im pleased to announce that we have multiple maps with multiple versions so you can play in Night, Day and Sunset.... We also have a fast skin variety and several weapons. Our Drivable helicopter is basically finished with a few more tweaks and a special surprise may be included if all goes well. Come visit us at [url:c3408]http://www.modern-warfare.com[/url:c3408] or visit our forums at [url:c3408]http://www.modern-warfare.com/forum[/url:c3408] or come check out our screenshots at [url:c3408]http://www.modern-warfare.com/images[/url:c3408]
However with the final completion of the mod comes a few staff positions so we can get it done faster.
Menu Skinners
Player Skinners
Are all welcome to join this mod. email
admin@modern-warfare.com to become part of this great mod. If your interested please give us an email, possibly examples and your name.
Enjoy the screens and check the gallery often for added screens. Register in the forums and help us bring the community back. Mohaa needs redemption and Modern Warfare promises to deliver.
Modern - Warfare Crew