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Default 01-08-2004, 03:09 AM

GG me for assuming you people comprehend basic economics. I keep forgetting you're a bunch of high schoolers (although I was getting published in National Economics when I was a senior.. wtf are you n00bs doing - February/March issue of 2001, article is under last name Doss.. before any of you n00bs start trying to cry BS. Go to your library and look it up).

Anyway. There are short-term and long-term affects to the economy. Like I said, a lot of the instability we are seeing right now is a result of careless economic policies that are characteristic of the Democratic party. They pump socialist programs in the US full of money, and as we all know (or don't in what seems to be a large number of cases) socialist programs don't even break even on spending, but rather devour resources. Then the big bad Republicans come along and have to give the entire establishment a kick in the ass on the way back to capitalism, only to have the 'crats fuck it up next term.

Long story short: Presidents love to talk about how great the economy is while they're in office. But let's look and see who is warranted:

Bill Clinton takes office from George Bush, Sr. Bill Clinton immediately begins pumping cash into several socialist programs and increases the size of the government. These are both cash whores. So Bill Clinton introduces a bill that magically creates more jobs and brings unemployment to an all-time low. But uh oh.. reserves are getting a bit low. Better raise the taxes, but we'll deflect negative public opinion by heralding the elimination of defecit in the budget, which most uneducated citizens think means we've alleviate the national debt. Yeah right. In truth we've only managed to cut costs by a few billion dollars with the help of hiked taxes. Of course closing down half the military bases in the country and swooping through the military budget and personnel like the fucking Angel of Death - scythe in hand - helped just a bit. But the timing is just right, so the unemployment polls don't reflect the massive influx of unemployed persons just yet.

Then George Bush, Jr. takes office. A month later, the economy is recessing and unemployment is skyrocketing. CNN is already pinning this on Bush, but the poor man hasn't even had the opportunity to have a bill pass through the House, let alone the Senate or be signed into law. The Bush team decides the bite the bullet and really starts aggressively addressing the economy issue, although the media keeps this off the airwaves (Open congressional transcripts are usually available through the library of any major university. Not sure if you can find them online). And then 9/11 happens. Everyone backs off for a couple of months. Then, one day we all wake up and a Democrat is BLAMING THE STOCK MARKET CRASH ON BUSH. For fuck's sake. This alone should always and forever illegitimize their party, since it came from their majority leader.

Now, despite the most horrific attack on the United States since the attack on Pearl Harbor, Bush is still managing to produce great signs for a rebound in the economy. Now - fuck CNN - listen to me. The stock market is short-term. The stock market is short-term. The stock market is always fucking short-term. It's down? Sorry for you, but in the long-term that means jack shit. What does matter? Corporations are becoming more efficient and increasing productivity. Does that mean higher unemployment right now? Yes. But instead of Bush dumping cash into some stupid ass program to give these people meaningless jobs, he is instead giving the money to consumers in the form of tax cuts. Haven't connected the dots yet? Companies are more efficient and increasing productivity. This means more availability at much lower costs. Consumers have more money in their pockets from tax returns and go out and are more likely to buy these products being offered at a lower price with better quality. This in turn increases revenue for the company who begins producing more to meet the demand and in turn hires more workers and further stimulates the economy.

Now, if you didn't read this, fine. You either knew it already, or you're choosing to remain an ignorant fuck. Either way, Bush should get credit for what he's done with the economy, not bashing. Clinton fucked it up, but used the leftovers from Bush, Sr. and some crooked accounting to make it look like he was a savior. The Bush, Jr. team is turning that around, though. I'd like to see them have the chance to show the people the economic strength of a capitalist country not being held back by ignorant socialists.

Vote for Bush 2004.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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