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Default 01-08-2004, 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by Noctis
A) We are not a Socialist country. The Nazis were Socialist. We are Capitalists.
so let's lift all fair wage laws and stuff and have children laboring in the coal mines for pennies a day oOo:

I don't like Socialism (Soviet style) but the government needs to take steps to protect the average joe from capitalists who want to increase their profits by gouging prices or paying unfair wages. I suggest you read up on your turn of the (last) century history, n00b.

PS. no I don't like people taking my money and paying it as welfare to lazy mexicans, but I equally hate assholes who take my money and keep most of it as profit rather than giving fair wage increases to their workers (at least enough to cover cost of living increases)

PPS. funny how you call everyone "ignorant fucks", because the only thing that cutting education funding will get you is more "ignorant fucks", but that's what they want: a large pool of unskilled labor.
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