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Default 01-08-2004, 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
A) We are not a Socialist country. The Nazis were Socialist. We are Capitalists.

Nazis and the Communists were socialists, its just that one was on the far left and the other is on the far right. There is no such thing as being just socialist, we are a democratic-republic that has liberal, conservative and socialist policies that are implemented in every administration. We take steps to empower our economy with capitalism, but on the other hand we have to check that power with more socialist programs. If we were a true capitalist society, we would have fair trade, no tariffs, no payoffs for bankrupt airline companies or financial corporations. We use socialist solutions to balance the losses accrued by capitalist ventures (not saying capitalism doesnt work, im all for capitalism).

B) The United States Military has had a policy that predates WWII of being able to fight a full scale war simultaneously on two fronts. Any analyst will tell you this is not possible today. In addition, we had to call up reserves just to go to Afghanistan, which should be enough by itself to tell you the military is hurting. Clinton broke the military's back, end of story. Be glad there was a Republican in office this term. Gore would have slapped the Taliban on the wrist and walked away with a sore asshole.

You bring in an analyst that says our military cant fight a two front war, and I will bring in one who says we can. Big fucking deal, ok? End of story? Not really, our military is still the finest in the world and was able to lay the smack down on the Taliban, Serbia, and Iraq. I don't see how Clinton broke the militarys back when he had the same budget expenditure as Bush did pre 9/11. Its obvious to say our military has more money now when we have troops in the field. I agree with you on the last remark you made. I am glad Bush is here to deal with the Taliban, because I don't think Gore would have the stomach for this kind of campaign.

C) Way to not even address the issue at hand, which would be that tax cuts are also going to the lower classes. The biggest consumers are the middle class, and they've had one tax cut already with another one coming. And as far as all the complaints about the rich getting tax cuts... Number one, who do you think puts up the money for new companies and ideas to be realized? Who gives loans or invests in small businesses that need some help? And for God's sake, why is it fair for them to lose nearly half their money to taxes when you only lose 20%? The media talks all these big numbers that make it seem way unfair, but the people in the highest tax bracket in the US still pay more than double what we do percentage-wise in taxes, and probably pay more in taxes each year than you'll make in your lifetime. So stop being ignorant and come off that. As I've said, the stability of the stock market both has to do with the backlash from reckless expenditures from the Clinton Administration catching up, and most importantly the worst act of terrorism this country has seen.

I believe I did address the tax cut issue, only I didnt spend as much time elaborating on it. Why should the enormously wealthy pick up the slack? Maybe its because of the tax breaks (not cuts) they get now that more than offsets the money they have to give back to the government. No taxes on stock earnings, no tax on estates? You think Dick Cheney, George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Al Rowe and Newt Gengrich know how to dodge taxes in April? I bet they do, and I bet they do more than anyone else. They should also pick up the slack because they are the ones who created this shit in the first place. The middle and lower class are consumers/end users. Their job is to spend, spend, spend and we do that very well. Who manipulates the budget, defecit, economy and taxes? If a wealthy person lost half their money every year in taxes, they wouldnt be wealthy anymore, now would they? I dont think we have had a serious riches to rags story going on in our country since the great depression. Finally, the stability of the stock market also depends on wealthy CEO's not inflating their profits, doing insider trading, and destroying employees 401k by selling thier own shares AFTER preventing others from doing so. I wonder if these TX based firms have any friends in the white house?

I dont blame 9/11 on Bush so WTF?

D) See above.


Linking to does not make you smart. Please try again post-education.
I'm sorry, I didn't have my article published in the National Economics, because I was sick the day it was due. Just because someone published your ziggy cartoon in a third rate periodical doesnt mean you are the only one on this forum capable of making a rebuttle. Since we are on the topic of challenging credibility, I would like to point out that you did not reference any source material at all in your post. Like everyone on this forum you were expressing an opinion. You, however, seem to think that just because you post it, it MUST be a fact. Get off your high horse and STFU, kthx.
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