02-06-2002, 08:18 AM
i see all these people posting FSP but hardly anyone puts there game settings up lmao. tell us what res you play with what setting turned up . my system
1.4 athlon
Asus a7v133 with Raid - 0
512 (one stick) samsung CAS@2 pc133
GF3 on 23.11 dets
3 HDD ( 2 on raid both 40 gig maxtors, 1 20 gig western dig)
other stuff that dont add to speed
i play MOHAA in 1280x1024x32
compressed textures
eveything check in advance settings everything on its highest setting no FSAA
i get between 95 in a hall to 25 on beach its safe to say i get 45 frames on the regualar with no overclocking but that snow map in multi slows my system down to like 20 to 15 dont know why. the graphics are good but i belive they couldve done a better job coding it as Max payne run better on my system with better graphics. No disrepect to the makers of the game cuase this game rocks all around
Enemy@TheG@te...im not too far away