Thread: Song Name Quiz
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ShagNasty is Offline
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Default 01-12-2004, 08:49 PM

My band Mr.Bungle

- Are you female or male: GOLLEM II: THE BIONIC VAPOUR BOY
- Describe yourself: GOODBYE SOBER DAY
- How do some people feel about you: SWEET CHARITY
- How do you feel about yourself: MY ASS IS ON FIRE
- Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: VIOLENZA DOMESTICA
- Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: PLATYPUS
- Describe where you want to be: RETROVERTIGO
- Describe what you want to be: SLOWLY GROWING DEAF
- Describe how you live: LOVE IS A FIST
- Describe how you love: SQUEESE ME MACARONI
- Share a few words of wisdom: EVERYONE I WENT TO HIGH SCHOOL WITH IS DEAD
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