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Default 01-13-2004, 03:59 PM

Well, the terror alert has never been at green. Green is the lowest it gets. I don't think its gone below yellow, correct?

And the highest is if a threat is iminent. So it won't be at that level until 5 seconds before a plane hits another building. So you don't have to worry about it being at red, because once it gets there, the terrorist act will have taken place already.

Are you talking about a security plan for the entire United States?

What are they supposed to do? Build enormous underground bunkers, and then when the terror level goes up, schools shut down, businesses stop, wall street shuts down, and everyone runs inside the bunker? I doubt that would be good for the country.

There's nothing the government can do directly for every individual. You ahve to do it yourself. And thats where parinoia comes in. If your parinoid enough, build yourself a bomb shelter and live the rest of your life in fear. Sure it might save your life, but I'd rather not worry about it and die in an attack, than worry about it for the rest of my life and have nothing happen to me.

On a somewhat related matter, have you guys seen the movie "Arlington Road"? Good movie, and Strykers talk about delivery trucks reminded me of it. It deals more with domestic terrorism, but still is very valid today in my opinion.
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