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Spineharvester[GF] is Offline
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Default 02-04-2002, 11:40 AM

Try joining a clan you will have much more fun. I was in the snowy park map and me and my bro broke from the pack...becuase on open servers the other players are more of a hinderance than help. We silent walked...imagine that two people walking together silently slowly hunting down the remains of the oposinng team. We were on gamevoice talking to one another and telling each other what to do, that is what a clan is about. Very fun and very exciting, you will never get that on an open server.

Hunt map open server...allies run to the first building and stop. This is the most stupid tactic a person can get, you are basicly stuck now in a cross fire in a dead end. I cringe when I play that map as I see people just stop there as this will some how help them.

Don't ever expect people on an open server to understand the basics of battle.

"Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch
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