02-04-2002, 03:12 AM
u r soooo easy...hahaha <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hotspur:
Freak you are so ignorant. I don't believe you ever read a book, much less a history book, much less a history book on this subject.
I bet the last book you read was "Red Fish Blue Fish" and in fact you didnt read it, yo mama read it to you. And speakin of yo mommma, yo momma so fat... naw, forget it.
You eptiomize the worst kind of small-town xenophobic self-congratulatory American small mindedness.
For your information if it wasn't for the Brits bravely fighting ON THEIR OWN there would have been no Europe left to save; if there had been no Brits we would have had to deal with a Nazi-unified Europe. (Also for your info the Germans made better tanks, etc than we did) If we did anything well it was too OUT PRODUCE the enemy.
And for worst performing country? If you knew ANYTHING about this subject you would have to say FRANCE which folded in 10 frickin days!
Dummy! People like you should be denied computer games until you get a rudimentary education - at least 5th grade, dammit<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>