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Slyk is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-05-2002, 08:08 AM

THIS IS A SPOILER.......don't read on if you don't want to know how to beat it...

after the church, quicksave before starting up the road. Stay to the left of the road in a crouched position. Move very slowly until the rockets start to fire. There are two bunkers, one left and one right. Also, there are two MG pits between them. Move up ONLY far enough to see both MG pits. You need to snipe 3 germans at each MG pit. They will run out at alternate times. Just be patient and wait to snipe 3 at each MG. Next move SO slowly forward, staying to the left. At one point you will be able to see the MG/german in the left bunker. Snipe TWO guys in there. AFTER you snipe the second guy, switch to the Thompson (my fav) or Browning. WAIT for the next rocket rounds to hit then jump up and blitz across the open ground, STAYING LEFT. Run up to the broken wall in front of the first rocket unit. Germans will run out from behing the bunker. After clearing the Germans in the open, move up to the rear of the bunker, be careful. Next move slowly up the back wall. When you can see across the open area to the next bunker wait. IF you have support troops still alive, they will cover you. When you try to enter the bunker, the MG in the opposite bunker will open up on you. You can either just run for it and let your buddies shoot the MG or you can switch to the .06, fake the run to the bunker, drop at it's top step, turn and snipe the punk in the bunker. Enter the bunker, pick up your health.

OK, now get out, run around to the front of the left bunker. To your front is part of another stone wall that blocks the view to the other bunker. Move up to it. Rockets are now pounding the area. Put away ANY run a bit faster with nothing in your hands. IMMEDIATELY after the next rockets hit, run like hell toward the furtherst crater directly in the front of the other bunker. Drop to the ground and switch to the .06. Snipe two Germans to the left of the bunker--in the open area. Watch the guy coming out of the trench to the right front. You may also need to snipe a guy at the MG in the bunker. After this, move to the FAR right slowly watching for Germans. Once to the wire, switch to the Thompson or Browning... I sometimes get a grenade ready. Move slowly up the bank toward the trench. You can drop a grenade in the front trench and/or lob one into the far right corner and then quickly bring up an auto-weapon.

Move up toward the yelling Germans and give 'em hell. You'll have about three to clear out at the first corner. Now you can switch to the .06 again an snipe Germans jumping out from the trench cuts down the line. IF you have enough SMG rounds, move down the long trench wall and clear thugs as you go. A nice grenade helps clear the last nook at the end. Now plant your bombs and get clear before they blow.

**Really a pretty satisfying feeling when kicking this things butt on HARD**
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