Originally Posted by Rannoch
Allright, being 17 and not having a girlfriend at the moment, I was thinking. Here are some of my ideas...
How do you feel about, uh, "getting it off" with someone, just as you would any other activity?
Do you think you have to love someone to feel good with them?
Would you do something with another of the same sex, just for purely physical enjoyment?
Do you think that makes you gay?
Here is what I think:
Our society is messed up in the fact that our sexuality is repressed to the point we have child molesters, rapists, etc. Perhaps if our culture was more open and accepting to the fact that we all like to feel good, no matter who with, we wouldnt have so many problems like this.
I dont think doing something with someone of the same sex makes you gay. I think being gay is more like.. kissy/huggy crap.
I'm not gay
so your saying that you can beat off a guys dick but as long as you dont hug him afterward and kick his ass out of the bed your not Teh Ghey?