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g3|.ir!$h|Shot.|Rct guide on how to make a player skin!!!!
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Default g3|.ir!$h|Shot.|Rct guide on how to make a player skin!!!! - 01-15-2004, 04:27 PM

ok i think this is a pretty easy tut for people to follow

so you want to learn how to make a player skin??? just follow these steps it might look hard but its not.... i suck at the desings but i no how to make them.

1)you have to get pakscape, or have winzip (pakscape..i like it better)
2).you have to have photoshop or paintshop pro or something like that.
3)Now you are ready
ok one rule were ever it says irish you want to put the name of your files..........

1.ok open pakscape or winzip and go to your mohaa/main... ok you there? then go to pak0 good job!

2.ok go to models once u clicked that go to player...your doing good so far.........

3.ok do you see the allied_pilot.tik and the allied_pilot_fps.tik.....if you do not go back to step 1

4.highlight them both and drag them to your desktop......... ok now on your desktop make a folder called models and inside that folder make another folder called player and in there put the allied_pilot.tik and the other file......... ok your doing good........

5. ok now go back to your desktop and then go to pakscapeand go to open and go back to pak0 in your mohaa/main...... not hard eh???

6.ok now go to scripts count down about 5 or so files and you will allies_pilot.shader drag that to your desktop...great job

7. ok now make another folder ontop of your desktop called scripts in there put allies_pilot.shader ok almost up to the fun part

8.ok now go to back to pakscape or winzip and go to open then go to mohaa/main then go to pak2

9.ok go to textures then go to models then go to human then go to usmaps then go to pilot in there u see the pilot_top.tga the pilot_pants and the pilot_hat.tga ok yours might not be tga...... any way drag them out to your you no wat to do hahahahh make a folder called textures then in there make one called models then in there human then in there usmaps then in there pilot.....

10. THE FUN PART...hehehe go to adobe photoshop or paintshop pro or wat ever u use! and open the pillot_top and the other files edit them how ever you want dont make them brrriiighht because some server might catch them and say hacks cuz u have bright skins......any way yea once your done save them but save them like this..... mine are irish_shirt and irish_pants and irish_hat make sure its tga if your file wasnt tga to begin with just save it as wat ever it was.....o yea save them in that folder with the others ones...delet the other ones that say pilot_top the pants and the hat u just want yours in there! great job hope u didnt mess up so far.. if not start overr that yea that sucks!........

11. ok now the file changing part.............. ok go to the folder on your destop go to scripts and you will see allied_pilot.shader yea open that up it should look like this

qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_top.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_top.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical

qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_pants.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_pants.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_pants.tga
cull none
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_pants.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_hat.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/pilot_hat.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical


qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_shirt.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_shirt.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical

qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_pants.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_pants.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_pants.tga
cull none
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_pants.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical

qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_hat.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/irish_hat.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical

13. ok you got that??????? DO NOT MESS WITH THE CULL PILOT PANTS!!!!!

14. ok now save it as allied_irish OR axis_irish allied for allies and axis for axis chooos wat side you want your skin on!

15.ok now put that back in the scripts folder and delet the other one u got in there allied_pilot.shader.. lol your almost done!

16. ok now go to the other folder models and in there go to player and you see the 2!!! your saying only 2 more but i got good news you only got 1 more!!!!!!!!

17.take the allied_pilot_fps.tik and name it this is mine allied_irish_fps.tik YES THIS IS RIGHT U DONT TOUCH THAT FILE!

18.ok now open up ther other one the allied_pilot.tik and it should look like this!

path models/human/allied_pilot
skelmodel allied_pilot.skd

surface pants shader pilot_pants
surface coat shader pilot_top
surface cullpants shader cull_pilot_pants

// $include models/human/heads/us_old_heads.tik
path models/human/heads
skelmodel head1.skd
surface head shader us_j

path models/human/hands
skelmodel hand.skd
surface hand shader handsnew

// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout

// Cache sounds here
voicetype pilot // set the voicetype to use for multiplayer instant messaging

// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include.txt

// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end


path models/human/allied_pilot
skelmodel allied_pilot.skd

surface pants shader irish_pants
surface coat shader irish_shirt
surface cullpants shader cull_pilot_pants

// $include models/human/heads/us_old_heads.tik
path models/human/heads
skelmodel head1.skd
surface head shader us_j

path models/human/hands
skelmodel hand.skd
surface hand shader handsnew

// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout

// Cache sounds here
voicetype manon // set the voicetype to use for multiplayer instant messaging

// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include.txt

// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end

20. ok if your a little smarter and you want you model to have a different voice then it should u fix ur tik like this look at the very bottom of mine!.......notice how it says

voicetype manon// set the voicetype to use for multiplayer instant messaging it says u can put any name like from allies like pilot it would haev the pilot voce american_army it would have his voice get it???? if not DO NOT DO IT! lol thats only to change its voice

21.ok now save this mine is allied_irish.shader great job 1 more step and your done

22.ok if pakscape is running x it out! and then bring it back up so it is empty ok?? ok now click the new peice of paper see how it is divided into 2 if you dont your blind! ok any way take the models folder and drag it to the right side....ok then under that drag the scripts folder.....under that drag the textures folder yup ok now go to file saveas then put ur name mine is irish so i would make the file name user-irish.pk3 and MAKE SURE THE FILE TYPE IS PK3 ok??? THATS IT YOUR DONE now put it into your mohaa main and go to the game and then look at it! u can wear it lol if its like grey and not right u messed up on the files!!!!!!

-g3|.ir!$h|Shot.|Rct. aka ^=ir!$h|Shot=^ if you need help my s/n is

moh irish shot

if u want like a note pad version or something i.m ne
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