Thread: Human Sexuality
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Sicilian_Summers is Offline
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Default 01-16-2004, 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
The internet is full of homophobes. Calm down you useless fucks.

I have nothing against gay people at all. Mainly because chances are someone close to me will become gay, seeing that 1 in 5 males becomes/is gay.....Or something like that.....

You know who else are flaming homophobes? The KKK. Why don't you go join them in their holy crusade...... annoy:
I feel the same way. It seems like a lot of people have problem with gays because they were raised to think that marriage or relationships are a sacred bond between a man and a woman, not man and man or woman and woman, which is fine, everyone has their own set of values and moral beliefs. Other times people reject homosexuals because they are unsure or uncomfortable with their own sexuality, and need a macho ego boost.

The way I see it is, homosexuals will always exist, whether they choose to hide their sexual preferences or openly express it. Therefore, it's better to accept them as human beings rather then to approve of the torture or in some cases the death of them just becuase of their sexual preferences. Even if you don't agree with the purity of a gay relationships I think it's hard to say that you'd like to see every homosexual killed, espically for the religious folk, who have most likely attended church or their place of worship when it was lead by a homosexual at some point or another. Plus, to all God fearing men (I doubt many women frequent these boards biggrin: ) out there, do you think God would rather see you base your judgement of character on a persons sexual preference rather then their moral values? Do you think God him or her (depending how you look upon it)self bases his judgement of character on a persons sexual preference rather then their moral values? Maybe you answered both those questions Yes, maybe you didn't.. just something to think about I suppose.
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