Thread: Car wreck
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Sergeant_Scrotum is Offline
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Default 01-16-2004, 12:22 PM

A driving age of 21 is rediculous. 95% of kids have moved away by 20 to either the work force or university & need a car for transportation. I dont think some poloticians can understand how many students actully work out there. If they made the driving age 21 no one would be able to get to work or school. the cops would be overloaded with people driving without a lisence. no lisence means no isurence. I think ontarios system is good. You get a G1 at 16, means you can drive but only with someone wo has a full lisence. you also cant drive on major highways. you can get your G2 8 months later if you take a drivers ed program. otherwise its a year. After you get your G2 you can drive alone but still not on major highways. It seems to work pretty well up here.
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