Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by catalyst
Originally Posted by "Animal Mother":7ab06
But its their business, not ours. Sure it sounds wrong, but thats because you're not gay.
No, nature dictates it to be wrong.
Your'e kidding me right? Nature? Homosexuality has been practiced long before your values or anyone elses for that matter. Nature dictates many things, but it does not dictate what is right or what is wrong.
No, you must be the one kidding to think that homosexuality is natural. Ever notice that gay/lesbian couples can't reproduce? NATURE![/quote:7ab06]
Sex in nature isn't strictly for reproduction. While it's obvious human homosexuality cannot produce offspring, that isnt the case in other animals. But, since we are on the topic of humans, the goal of sex isn't always to reproduce. In many/most cases, intimacy is the desired result of sex. Is intimacy a natural result of sex? Yes. Can homosexuals gain intimacy through sex? Yes.