Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by catalyst
1) The goal of sex is reproduction in nature. That's why they're called reproductive organs. I'm not sure how you could object to the fact that the real purpose of sex in it's essence is reproduction
So sex between women and men when its simply for pleasure is wrong?
Using your logic it is, because the aim still isn't reproduction.
You should be happy that there is such a large amount of gay people in the world......They are a huge help to human society. They help slow down over-population (which is a VERY big problem), and many gay couples adopt parent-less children.
No, again, people aren't getting what I was saying. I was arguing with Martagemn (wtf ever his name is) about homsexuality being wrong naturally, because nature shows that is just doesn't work for gay people to be together by the fact that they can't reproduce. On the same lines, I said that the purpose of sex
in nature is reproduction, because it is. I said that to show that he was wrong in saying homosexuality is correct in nature.