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Default 01-17-2004, 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by "Bean 2":14a2f
Ewen Mcgregor, Ed Norton, Tom Hanks, and Kevin Spacey. Also Ewen Mcgregors new movie Big Fish is awesome. It looks kindda fruity on the commericals but its really worth seeing. Probably one of the best movies ive seen in the past few years(except of course for LotR).
most people dont like LOTR cuz its too overhyped or something, but i like the movies, they are well made and pretty accurate to the books, or so i hear. i havent read the books personally...i think they are possibly the best movies i have ever seen[/quote:14a2f]

The only thing I didnt like was the ending to The Return of the Kind. It was dragged on and boring and I heard that it didnt follow the books. My friend read the books and he said something like the orcs attacked the hobbit village at the end or something.
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