Originally Posted by PAS312
i was never banned because i never broke any rules.
gerard YOU are the internet tough guy. remember, i have seen your picture, and in real life, your words dont hurt me as much as your looks hurt you (and those that look at you)
so take a shower or possibly just kill yourself.
LOL you really are a pathetic little son of a bitch aren't you. You and your fag friends making your little gay hacks for games you completly blow at. Sad really, you call people here fags and nerds yet YOU'RE the fucking nerd along with the rest of the multiplayercheat fucksticks actually taking time to give yourselves a lame little advantage in games.
As for my picture, you honestly think i give a fuck what you think? Opinions are like arseholes everyone has one, just in this case you're an arsehole in the broadest sense of the term, a living breathing shithole.
Im really starting to worry about how you;re fascinated with how i look, catalyst if i were you i wouldn;t bend over in front of this guy as he's obviously hankering for some fudge to pack.....Anyway "pas" heres another pic of me for you to spank your little penis to...don;t wanna see your bro get a sore asshole cause of your sexual frustrations.
Funny for you to be "bored" so you come here than you actually bothered making a new account after i owned your old account. Then again i can't see this account lasting too long either.
BTW hope coding hacks takes you to a succesful career kid, when you grow some hair on your balls come back to me, your arguments are about on the same mental level as a 16 year old...more than likely your age anyway..kid.