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Why I Hate Freshmen Girls
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Default Why I Hate Freshmen Girls - 01-18-2004, 12:25 AM

ok, im a sophomore in highschool (10th grade, some countries dont use sophomore) and im pretty much straight edge except for the sex part....i really dislike freshman girls cuz they think drinking is so cool, and they think they are better than everyone else....this is a convo of me and this "drunk" freshmen girl...

DmentedTink507: dude rite now im drunk so tell me like tomorrow
DmentedTink507: maggie is getting all pissed cuz theres no sprite left
DmentedTink507: and shes yelling at me
DmentedTink507: cuz im an incosiderate bitch
DmentedTink507: but i dont rele understand
DmentedTink507: cuz im seeing 2 of her
DmentedTink507: lol
the sun is i: you must be cool, you're drunk
the sun is i: so cool
the sun is i: drinking is so cool!
DmentedTink507: damn straight
the sun is i: and if you were drunk, you wouldnt be able to type
DmentedTink507: nah it just tastes good
the sun is i: so you lie
DmentedTink507: nope i can be passed out and be ab le to type
DmentedTink507: im not lieing
the sun is i: you can honestly tell me alcohol tastes good?
DmentedTink507: dont think so
DmentedTink507: im like the best typer in the wild
DmentedTink507: *wolrd
the sun is i: hahahahahahaha
DmentedTink507: dont laugh
the sun is i: wow
DmentedTink507: iuts not funni*
the sun is i: thank you so much
DmentedTink507: *dont
DmentedTink507: WELCOME!!!
DmentedTink507: lol

point proven

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