Originally Posted by catalyst
Yeah, I know that powell doesn't make them anymore, I wasn't talking about him...
And I don't think people run away from you, with these online arguments, it's more like just getting fed up and annoyed and intelligently deciding to stop wasting time. As I am going to do now.
Well if they don;t wanna run away they shouldn;t start them, bottom line is your bro bashes everyone on these forums for being nerds etc..yet hes the fag making hacks...probably spending countless hours glued to his pc coding them..and WE are the nerds? Yup that makes some sense.
As for him intelligently deciding to stop, nah its more like he's ran out of comebacks to attempt to use on me..ive heard them all before. If i annoy him, well that was my intention so basically im suceeding in doing what i wanted. Doesn't bother me one bit what you or anyone else thinks.
Call me an ass or whatever, people comments towards me on these forums have about the same effect on me as a pea hitting a tank.