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PAS312 is Offline
Posts: 51
Join Date: Sep 2003
Default 01-18-2004, 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Call me an ass or whatever, people comments towards me on these forums have about the same effect on me as a pea hitting a tank.
which is exactly why you are the dumbest person alive for saying "your gay pas" and then claiming to have "owned" me. i dont give a shit what your ignorant ugly ass says to try to be cool, in the end, i know that i am smarter and more successful in life than you.
and gerard, dont flatter yourself, not even the ugliest gayest saddest most depressed and suicidal living thing would possibly masturbate to your picture.
and good job "owning" my last username, you just spewed insults and looked stupid. i am actually not even sure it was shut down, not that you had anything to do with it (not that you could stop me from coming back anyways)

well for every cheater on your server, thats me and my friends actually owning you. you can call use fucktards all you want, it hurts us as bad as me making fun of you hurts you. truth is, we are the ones actually effecting you by polluting your servers in all of your games. so until later, me 1 gerard 0.

2 more things the only reason i am here really is this convo lol and where in your rules does it say cheatmakers arent allowed on the forum? and where is the link in my sig? its actually just the title of a site....

anyways, back to weight height and football. sry catalyst anyways.