Originally Posted by catalyst
He hardly spends anytime in front of a computer, and the time that he does spend there does not amount to the nerdiness of a 23-24 year old trying to "own" younger people on internet forums. I'm sorry, but you have no defense there. And I was just wondering why someone would run away scared from you? You say insults don't hurt you, but you actually think yours hurt others? Seriously? You need to get a new hobby...
And as for me being gone from these forums, I guess it really doesn't matter now that I think of it, it would be unfair if I also got banned, because I didn't break any rules...Although, it would be odd for the rules to be inforced and for my brother to be banned considering how many other rule violaters are not punished at all (including yourself)
I thought you were gonna "intelligently walk away" rolleyes:
Owning younger people on net forums, well if they wanna talk the shit and get the crap flamed out of them in return thats their fault. Not as if i go out of my way but i do make a special exception for "special" people like your brother.
Go back to notf forums catalyst, you already said you don't bother with these forums much so sticking up for your retarded brother shouldn't really be an issue.