01-18-2004, 02:18 PM
Heh, fucking everyone in my school thinks its so great to go out every weekend and get messed up and smoke weed and stuff. Ive been drunk before and albeit fun, but when your like 12 or 13 youre just starting to piss your life away, what younger kids need to do is get their shit wired tight and grow the fuck up. No one wants a couple of alcholic pot-smoking pre-teens. I see nothing wrong with being an alcholic when youre over 21, its your fucking life 10 yeras down the line when theyre living with 12 other people in sub-par aparments maybe drinking their lives away wont be so cool.
And Freshman girls are immature and slutty. Most of them would totally abandon their friends in hopes of gaining more popular friends. One thing you learn when you grow up is to stick with your real friends, and not the ones that get drunk and are super cool. But they havent learned that and after they loose some good friends theyll fix that (maybe).
And that ladies and gents, its the self-degration of the american youth in a nutshell.
and No sex? Thats nuts I dont know many guys that can go more than a week without beating the schtick.