02-05-2002, 01:00 AM
1) How long did it take u to complete it?
2) When is the map editor out?
3) Are the cut scenes good? People r saying they ain't good?
4) Good story line?
5) Some say it is a HALF-LIFE beater? true or false?
1) Haven't yet, for 3 reasons.
Playing Hard setting. And that is damn hard.
Stuck on Omaha (Picture Saving Private Ryan's beach landing scene. Except all the guns are shooting at you. Feels like that anyway)
Playing Multiplayer all the time, very addictive.
2) Sorry I have no idea.
3) I think that they are pretty good.
4) So far the story is great. Best game beginning since Half-Life IMHO. You're thrown right into the fire.
5) It is better then half life / CS. That is not to say half-life / CS are bad they are just different. And old.
You feel a thousand deaths by fearing just one. - Klingon Captian of the SuQ'jagh-class Battle ship