02-05-2002, 03:21 AM
Wigum, if it is indeed true that GTA3 is coming for the Gamecube, then why doesn't all the web pages know about it? Or even the magazines like EGM? Or what about a premier site like IGN? In a recent Q&A by IGNcube.com, Matt Cassminia (sp?) said himself that GTA3 is NOT coming out for the Gamecube. It even said so on the IGNPC.com Q&A last week. My point is that if it is coming out like you say, then why doesn't all the web pages know? You may be telling the truth, I don't know, but if it is true, then when will it be announced? At least give me that.
Also, I checked out electricplayground.com and there is no mention of GTA3 for the cube. Wouldn't your Dad want his company to have the fame and recognition of being the first website to confirm this GTA3 news if it is true? I want to believe you, I really want GTA3 for the Cube, but there are many holes in your story
[This message has been edited by RJHNY1 (edited February 05, 2002).]