02-06-2002, 10:49 AM
Im not going to bother responding to SHELL missteps in figuring out the simplicity on why his requests for a "SNIPER MOD" be moved to the MOD section if we were following his rules - because I'm sure he knows he's wrong, as always - so it's all good.
As far as you are concerned FALCON - now I dont live in FLORIDA - but I dont think it's such a rural area, where broadband wouldn't be available at a reasonable price to you. That seems a little crazy to me. I would check AGAIN with the phone company, the cable company, AOL, EARTHLINK, DIRECT TV, and AT & T. One of those individuals HAS to provide you with some sort of reliable broadband service. Post your city and zip so maybe some folks who are more familiar with this service, can help you.
mazel my tov like the biyotch youse izz