02-06-2002, 02:48 AM
I believe, the best way to have a good FPS keyboard/mouse layout is as follows:
<LI> Optimal distance between left and right hand, something comfortable, yet doesn't cause injury to the limbs or too awkward.
<LI> Try to find a nice place on the keyboard to rest your left hand (if your right handed) or right hand (if your left handed) where you have access to many keys. Also, binding keys that are related to their commands also helps. (eg. R for reload, V for voice commands) Default is WSAD layout. Keep your arms parallel to the desk, (ie elbows at 90 degrees, forearms at horizontal level) so that you can use the keyboard for a prolonged period of time.
<LI> Try to get a nice multi-buttoned mouse, a 5 button optical mouse will outperform a 2 button standard MS mouse. That way, you have 5 keys binded that you might need regularly, besides the usual fire, secondary fire buttons, you can also bind a further button to use, and one for reload or whatever. You could also use the mousewheel to switch weapons, and the mousewheel as a button for last used weapon.[/list]
Ok, that's my opinion, so you better take it with a grain of salt. Or sugar if your inclined that way.