02-10-2002, 09:13 AM
I'm left-handed and playing FPS games in a PC is a rare activity that seems to be more natural to left-handed people than to right-handed. I explain. I use the mouse only for firing (mouse1 button), using (mouse2 button) and of course guiding myself (moving it). All my most important keyboard functions are in the keypad:
1 - turn left
2 - crouch
3 - turn right
4 - strafe left
5 - go backwards
6 - strafe right
7 - toggle walk/run (have to keep pressing it)
8 - go ahead
9 - not used in MOHAA
NumLock - look down
/ - center view
* - look up
- (minus) - reload
+ - secondary function of the weapons
Enter - jump
0 - zoom out (if available, like in NOLF)
, - zoom in (if available, like in NOLF)
. - not used in MOHAA
When there is a lean function, like in RtCW, I use 7 and 9 to lean.
Normally, the right arrow is used to holster the weapon (easily accessed with my thumb).
The keys labeled as not used has, indeed, a use, but it depends on the game I'm playing. In NOLF, for instance, I use 9 to change the function of the applets.
So, why I think a left-handed is better suited? Because for us, the keyboard is exactly in the middle, the mouse to the left, and the keypad to the right. A right-handed person has the mouse to the right and so must use the leftmost part of the keyboard that must stay a little to the left. Furthermore, the leftmost part of the keyboard has its keys not aligned, as they are in the keypad.