[STB]'s castle map for 8-12 players -
02-04-2004, 02:39 AM
Hi folks again
Colin was chuffed with the response of the other maps and has asked me to thank you for your kind words beer:
this map was also designed by colin,
Every one has a castle map this is our's (his) he has again got some very nice features in it moving drawbridge, portcullis, flooding tunnels, squeaking floorboards, it even has some dam good looking swords you get the idea
From outside, this restored 11th century castle looks innocent enough. However, ariel photography shows that it is occupied by Nazi forces
These forces need to be 'removed'. The castle walls need to be breached to prevent this castle becoming a stronghold again.
Sorry English Heritage - but there's a war on.
for info [url:59c23]http://www.stb-clan.co.uk/map_web/zstb02_background.html[/url:59c23]
for downloads [url:59c23]http://www.stb-clan.co.uk/downloads/mohaa.spearhead/zstb02_castle.pk3[/url:59c23]
as always let me know what you think of this map good and bad so I can pass it on to colin
have fun