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Default 02-04-2004, 09:00 AM

But the Christian kids can still wear "small" crosses. As long as it’s not seen. They’re singling out those who have obvious symbols, and by doing so are aiming directly at certain religions, which is just fucking wrong.

Frankly what’s the big deal is about what’s worn on your head, it shouldn’t fucking matter. To say that since kids cant prey in school then other kids shouldn’t be able to wear a headdress that there religion has worn since before some counties were formed is simply asinine. The headdress does nothing to disrupt any one else learning unless they’re a racist or a complete dipshit who wants to make a big deal out of it. Saying "the lords" prayer in school is disruptive, and does discriminate against other religion. Sure you may say it’s for every religion but it’s generally understood that it’s for "the lords" prayer. Kind of like an office Christmas party, the management calls it the "holiday" party so there not discriminatory, while everyone else just calls it the Christmas party.

The statement of "French values were under attack" by the kids wearing these things is beyond belief. If your values are so fragile as to be threatened by a hat, you deserve to have them pushed to the whey side. This is a travesty against all religions targeted and against freedom of religion itself.

What’s next, turban free restaurants? Perhaps cab drivers in New York shouldn’t wear them anymore because it brings bad images to passenger’s minds. Oh I know, lets take down the crosses that hang outside of churches, and signs that have prayer passages on them. While were at it lets make all churches, sinagogs, and other religious building square, and paint them white. That way you wont have to know what type of people go that un-socially acceptable place.

Why don’t they ban baseball hats, or "football" caps? They show support for a team. A belief that the team on that hat is the best one around, or is simply your favorite. Same meaning really, just for a sports team rather than a creator of everything.

To say that a silent statement of religion is tantamount to stopping class to pray is fucking stupid zone. If anything it’s a poor fashion choice, but it is there choice to wear it. I’m not going to stop you from wearing that shirt, or those shoes. So why should I make them stop wearing what amounts to a fucking hat.

On a side note: I’m not religious in the least, but this situation is fucking stupid. Nothing like this should happen to any religion. I may not believe in your god, but I believe in your right to follow him/her/it as blindly as you want, as long as it’s not by ramming it down my gullet.