02-05-2004, 10:27 AM
i made one a while ago for the pegasus map bridge me and T.hunter were making. i couldnt get it to replace the mg42 properly though, or work as a new weapon on its own. this is just a model on its own, and was the first i made in 3dsmax. its about 2000 polys, but could be lower if i fixed it, but im not going to. the barrel and mag are skinned, the rest isnt.
also, i dont think youll get it to replace the deployable mg42. you'll need the animations for it, and you cant import SH anims (or not the last time i needed to, about 6 months ago). without those anims its gonna be very hard to import this into the game
if you want this in .3ds or any other format, i can email it you, but im not gonna export it or do anything else to it, ive got too much other stuff to do. i can send the skins and the uvmap for the body aswell if you want those.
heres some renders i just did anyway. not perfect but the best i could do at the time.